Greece Vacation
 Greece holiday & travel guide

Greece Travel Planning

Greece’s historic past and its magnificent beaches draw millions of tourists to it each year. If you are one of those who wish to have a taste of Greece’s rich history and enjoy its sun-baked beaches, it’s time to head off to the land who once worshipped Zeus, Athena and the other gods who dwelled in Olympus. But before you do, there are a few things you must know to aid you in your travel planning to Greece.

Greece VacationIf you are visiting Greece for less than three months, a visa is not required, only a passport. This applies to citizens from the US, Canada and the European countries. Citizens from some countries in Asia and Latin America also enjoy this privilege. Make sure to check whether you need to get a visa or not.

The time of year is an important consideration when travel planning to Greece. Sometimes you may not have much of a choice as you only get to have time off on specific months. But if you do have a choice, there are certain seasons wherein you can make the most out of your vacation and your money. January to March and October to December are cold and wet months. You still can enjoy the tours around Greece but the weather is too cold for swimming on the beach. The best part about this season is that prices are lowest so you can afford to stay at more luxurious accommodations or buy more souvenir items. The temperature increases slightly in April and the weather gets more pleasant. Still prices remain low. Warm weather starts in May and island hotels and resorts which had been closed during the cold months are now open. The prices may increase slightly but goods and services remain relatively inexpensive. Many tourists who have frequented Greece agree that May to June is perfect for those who prefer a quiet and crowd-free vacation. July is the start of the high season, when tourists arrive in hordes and prices increase to its highest. This season lasts until August. Temperature may once again drop starting in September and so do prices.

A common dilemma for people planning to travel to Greece is whether to avail of a tour or travel independently. The answer depends on many factors such as the kind of traveler you are, the purpose of your travel and the amount of money you’re willing to spend. People travel independently because they want to experience the culture and do so at their own pace. Almost everything in a tour has been prepackaged and since guides are concerned with the duration of the tour, may rush you into leaving even before you had time to “taste” the sights. On the other hand, a guided tour is a hassle-free way of enjoying your vacation. You only need to pay and everything else gets taken cared of. A tour is virtually stress-free – you do not even have to worry about where to eat. Since the tour operators are taking the difficulties of independent travel away from you, expect guided tours to cost you more. A travel to Greece is not, however, an either/or situation. You can actually do both – travel independently and avail of a tour during your stay in Greece. You can be a part of a tour in some sites and decide to travel on your own on certain attractions.

Your stay in Greece should be as magnificent as the place. In order to do this, you have to do careful travel planning to make the most of your Greece vacation.

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